• Proving Adnan Syed’s Innocence

    Photo of Adnan Syed and victum Hae Min Lee nypost.com Introduction After listening the the first episode of “Serial”, the podcast about the murder Hae Min Lee, I was intruiged and decided to take a deeper look at the case. I found it very weird how there were different stories from different people in the… Continue reading

  • The Secrets Your Memories Hold

    Picture of victum Hae Min Lee and convicted murderer Adnan Syed foxbaltimore.com Introduction I have recently listened to episode one of the podcast, Serial, by Sarah Koenig. This podcast takes a dive into a murder case of a highschool student named Hae Min Lee. The convicted murderer being her ex boyfriend Adnan Syed. In this… Continue reading

  • Grade 12 University English Opens Doors in Other Areas of Study

    Photo credits cimptcollge.com As I continue my academic journey into university, I’ve studied in many different subjects ranging from art, sciences, and even personal fitness. But one subject that is consistently helpful with all other subjects is English. As someone who isn’t particularly strong in English as a subject, I find myself having to try… Continue reading

  • Hello World!

    Welcome to WordPress! This is your first post. Edit or delete it to take the first step in your blogging journey. Continue reading

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