Grade 12 University English Opens Doors in Other Areas of Study

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As I continue my academic journey into university, I’ve studied in many different subjects ranging from art, sciences, and even personal fitness. But one subject that is consistently helpful with all other subjects is English. As someone who isn’t particularly strong in English as a subject, I find myself having to try harder in English than other subjects. With this said I still believe it is useful in all other subjects and have found taking university English helpful in other areas of study.

I think that grade 12 university English should be mandatory for all university courses for students who are looking to study at a university.

Throughout my high school experience, I have been able to study and learn in many different subjects including math, French, sciences, and art. But one subject that I’ve found to be universally helpful in school is English. English class helps students develop skills in essay writing, researching, and studying. All of which will be needed in university for students who look to take that path. In university, students are required to take different courses depending on what they are there to study for. Almost all of which require them to write essays. During English class I have written many different essays about a multitude of different topics. University English has helped me and will continue to help me develop my essay writing ability which will without a doubt be useful in the future. Taking 3U English last yea also helped me to develop my researching skills. During the class I would have to research different literatures and relate them to current global events. This encouraged me to think critically about different topics and more in depth. It also helped me to learn how to research properly or different things. Although this may not be used directly in the future when it comes to researching and relating to current global events, it is the idea of thinking critically about topics and the researching skills I’ve developed that I will carry with me into other subjects and classes. English class also helped me to develop good studying habits. Writing many different essays, I needed to manage my time in order to be able to finish them on time. Time management is a mandator skill for those looing to study in university and 3U and 4U English give students to opportunity to improve their time management skills.

In today’s world of increased communications, particularly of a digital nature, writing skills are an important aspect of expression on a personal, professional and educational level.

Allison Lake

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Adolescences have lost interest in reading books in todays society.

Reading consistently strengthens connections in the brains, improves memory and concentration, and may even help you live longer

Lia Tabackman

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I believe this loss stems from the overuse in today’s society of technology and social media in which youth are obsessed with apps such as Tiktok, Instagram, and Snapchat, and have trouble putting their phone down to read. In university English students have the opportunity to read novels on different topics. This helps to spark students interest in reading consistently which helps students in school and other classes. It also helps develop good study habits when it comes to time management and reading novels for class

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English is one of the most important subjects in my eyes even if it isn’t one of my favorites. For those looking to attend university it should be mandatory for them to take 4U English to get into their course because the skills and habits university English teaches students are needed in all university courses. I for one am happy to take university English as I am aware of the future benefits it will have on my learning and I believe everyone else attending university should develop the same skills and habits I have.

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